时间 (Time) |
活动内容 (Events) |
地点 (Location) |
4月11日 (Thursday) |
14:00-18:00 |
报到(Register) |
18:00 |
晚餐(Dinner) |
4月12日 (Friday) |
09:00-12:10 |
学术报告 |
SICM Lecture Hall |
12:10-14:00 |
午餐(Lunch) |
14:00-17:00 |
学术报告 |
SICM Lecture Hall |
18:00 |
晚餐(Dinner) |
4月13日 (Saturday) |
09:00-12:45 |
学术报告 |
SICM Lecture Hall |
12:10-14:00 |
午餐(Lunch) |
14:00-18:00 |
圆桌讨论(Discussion) |
4月12日 深圳国际数学中心报告厅 Venue:SICM Lecture Hall |
时间 (Time) |
报告人 (Speaker) |
题目 (Title) |
9:15 - 10:00 |
Naihuan Jing (North Carolina State University) |
Quantum Sugawara operators in type A |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 11:10 |
Chengming Bai (Nankai University) |
A bialgebra theory for transposed Poisson algebras via anti-pre-Lie bialgebras and anti-pre-Lie-Poisson bialgebras |
11:25 - 12:10 |
Yongchang Zhu (HKUST) |
Automorphic Forms on Loop groups and Theta Lifting |
14:00 - 14:45 |
Hourong Qin (Nanjing University) |
The Lang-Trotter Conjecture for CM elliptic curves |
14:55 - 15:40 |
Bin Shu (East China Normal University) |
15:40 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 16:45 |
Zhicheng Feng (SUSTech) |
Radical subgroups and Alperin weight conjecture |
16:50 - 17:30 |
Lizhong Wang (Peking University) |
On P-characters of finite groups |
4月13日 深圳国际数学中心报告厅
Venue:SICM Lecture Hall |
时间 |
报告人 |
题目 |
9:00 - 09:45 |
Hu Jun (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Z-graded twisting functors and Verma modules
09:45 - 10:15 |
Coffee Break |
10:15 - 11:00 |
Lizhong Wang (Peking University) |
On P-characters of finite groups |
11:10 - 11:55 |
Hebing Rui (Tongjie University) |
Cyclotomic Brauer category |
12:00 - 12:45 |
Yuanyang Zhou(Central China Normal University) |
Block extensions and their application
14:00-16:00 |
Discussion |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30-18:00 |
Discussion |