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Efim Zelmanov
Chair Professor
Research interest: Algebra,Jordan Algebras,Infinite Discrete Groups,Profinite Groups

Research Interests:

u  Algebra

u  Jordan Algebras

u  Infinite Discrete Groups

u  Profinite Groups


Working Experience:

u  2022-present, Chair Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

u  2002-2022, Atkinson Chair Professor, University of California-San Diego

u  1995-2002, Professor,Yale University

u  1994-1995, Professor,University of Chicago

u  1990-1994, Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison

u  1980-present, Professor,Russian Academy of Sciences


Honors and Professional Experience:

u  Fields Medal

u  Member of the National Academy of Sciences

u  Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

u  International Congress of Mathematicians Speaker - 1983, 1990, 1994

u  Andre Aizenstadt Prize

u  Foreign Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences

u  Foreign Member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology

u  Honorary Doctorate - U. of Hagen, U. of Oviedo, U. of Alberta, U. of Lincoln

u  Fellow of the American Mathematical Society

u  College de France Medal

u Foreign Members of the Chinese Academy of Science