Home / People / Faculty / SALOMAO Pedro
Research interest: ◆ Hamiltonian Dynamics ◆ Pseudo-holomorphic Curves ◆ Celestial Mechanics


• Doctor of Science in Applied Mathematics, University of S˜ao Paulo, 1999-2002.

• Master in Applied Mathematics, University of S˜ao Paulo, 1997-1999.

• Bachelor in Administration, Funda¸c˜ao Get´ulio Vargas, 1994-1998.

• Mechatronics Engineering, University of S˜ao Paulo, 1992-1996.

Working Experience:


• Professor at Sustech, 2023 - .
Visiting Professor at New York University - Shanghai, 2020-.
Visiting Professor at Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum, from 02.03.2018 to 31.01.2019.
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. S˜ao Paulo, 2009-.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. S˜ao Paulo, 2003-2009.
1. with U. Hryniewicz and K. Wysocki. Genus zero global surfaces of section for Reeb flows and a result of Birkhoff, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2022 (first online).
2. with U. Hryniewicz and R. Siefring. Global surfaces of section with positive genus for dynamically convex Reeb flows, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 24 (2), 1-21, 2022.
3. with N. de Paulo. Reeb flows, pseudo-holomorphic curves and transverse foliations, S˜ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1-26, 2022.
4. with A. Abbondandolo, B. Bramham and U. Hryniewicz. Sharp systolic inequalities for Riemannian and Finsler spheres of revolution, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374(3), 1815–1845, 2021.
5. with Bechara Senior and U. Hryniewicz. On the relation between action and linking, Journal of Modern Dynamics, 17, 319–336, 2021
6. with A. Abbondandolo, B. Bramham and U. Hryniewicz. Contact forms with large systolic ratio in dimension three, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa-Classe de Scienze v.19, 1561–1582, 2019.
7. with N. de Paulo. On the multiplicity of periodic orbits and homoclinics near critical energy levels of Hamiltonian systems in R 4 , Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372(2), 859–887, 2019.
8. with A. Abbondandolo, B. Bramham and U. Hryniewicz, Systolic ratio, index of closed orbits and convexity for tight contact forms on the three-sphere. Compositio Mathematica v. 154 (12), 2643–2680, 2018.
9. with U. Hryniewicz, Global surfaces of section for Reeb flows in dimension three and beyond, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, 1, 937–964, 2019.
10. with N. de Paulo, Systems of transversal sections near critical energy levels of Hamiltonian systems in R 4 . Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society v. 252 (1202), 1–105, 2018.
11. with A. Abbondandolo, B. Bramham and U. L. Hryniewicz, Sharp systolic inequalities for Reeb flows on the three-sphere, Inventiones Mathematicae v.211, 687–778, 2017.
12. with A. Abbondandolo, B. Bramham and U. Hryniewicz, A systolic inequality for geodesic flows on the two-sphere. Mathematische Annalen, v. 367, 701–753, 2017.13. with U. Hryniewicz, Elliptic binding for dynamically convex Reeb flows on the real projective space. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 55, p43, 2016.
14. with U. Hryniewicz and A. Momin, A Poincar´e-Birkhoff theorem for tight Reeb flows on S 3 . Inventiones Mathematicae, v. 199, 333-422, 2015.
15. with U. Hryniewicz and J. Licata, A dynamical characterization of universally tight lens spaces. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, v. 110, 213-269, 2014.
16. with S. Addas-Zanata, Persistence of fixed points under rigid perturbations of maps. Fundamenta Mathematicae, v. 227, 1-19, 2014.
17. with U. Hryniewicz, Global properties of tight Reeb flows with applications to Finsler geodesic flows on S 2 . Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, v. 154, 1-27, 2013.
18. with J. Weber, An almost existence theorem for non-contractible periodic orbits on cotangent bundles. S˜ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, v. 6, 385-394, 2013.
19. with U. Hryniewicz, Introdu¸c˜ao `a Geometria Finsler. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2013. 208p, in portuguese.
20. with W. de Melo and E. Vargas, A full family of multimodal maps on the circle. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, v. 31, 1325-1344, 2011.
21. with U. Hryniewicz, On the existence of disk-like global sections for Reeb flows on the tight 3-sphere. Duke Mathematical Journal, v. 160, 415-465, 2011.
22. with U. Hryniewicz, Uma introdu¸c˜ao `a geometria de contato e aplica¸c˜oes `a dinˆamica Hamiltoniana. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2009. v. 1., 207p, in portuguese.
23. with C. Ragazzo, Global surfaces of section in non-regular convex energy levels of Hamiltonian systems. Mathematische Zeitschrift, v. 255, 323-334, 2007.
24. with M. Kulesza and C. Ragazzo, Equatorial dynamics of charged particles in planetary magnetospheres. Physica D, v. 225, 169-183, 2007.
25. with A. Carvalho, Assessing debt sustainability in Brazil. Brazilian Review of Econometrics, v. 27, p. 27-51, 2007.
26. with C. Ragazzo, The Conley-Zehnder index and the saddle-center equilibrium. Journal of Differential Equations, v. 220, 259-278, 2006.
27. The Thurston operator for semi-finite combinatorics. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, v. 16, 883-896, 2006.
28. A Conjectura de Seifert: sobre a existˆencia de ´orbitas peri´odicas de campos de vetores em S 3 . Matem´atica Universit´aria, v. 38/39, 69-78, 2005.
29. Convex energy levels of Hamiltonian systems. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, v. 4, 439-457, 2004.30. with P. Bernard and C. Ragazzo, Homoclinic orbits near saddle-center fixed points of Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom. Ast´erisque, v. 286, 151-165, 2003.