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Zhuosong ZHANG
Assistant Professor
Research interest: Asymptotic theory in probability and statistics; Stein’s method; Probability theory in statistical physics, Functional data analysis; Nonparametric statistics; Random graph theory.

Education Background:

2013.08-2017.07  Department of Statistics,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.Ph.D

2009.09-2013.06  School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, China. B.Sc.


Work Experience:

1.     Assistant Professor at SUSTech, 2022—present

2.     SEW Visiting Assistant Professor at UCSD, 2021—2022

3.     Research Fellow at NUS, 2019—2021

4.     Research Fellow at University of Melbourne, 2017--2019




[1] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang. (2016). “Identifying the limiting distribution by a general approach of Stein’s method”, Sci. China Math., vol. 59, 2379–2392.

[2] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang. (2019). “Berry–Esseen bounds of normal and non-normal approximation for unbounded exchangeable pairs”, Ann. Probab., vol. 47, 61–108.

[3] Q.-M. Shao, M.-C. Zhang and Z.-S. Zhang. (2021), “Cramér-type moderate deviations for non-normal approximation”. Ann. Appl. Probab. Vol. 31, 247–283.

[4] Q.-M. Shao and Z.-S. Zhang (2022), “Berry–Esseen bounds for multivariate nonlinear statistics with applications to M-estimators and stochastic gradient descent algorithms”. Bernoulli 28 (3), 1548-1576.

[5] Z.-S. Zhang (2022), “Berry–Esseen bounds for generalized U -statistics”. Electron. J. Probab 27, 1–36.

[6] Z.-S. Zhang, “Cramér-type moderate deviations of normal approximation for exchangeable pairs”. Available at arXiv: 1901.09526. To appear in Bernoulli.

[7] A. Roellin and Z.-S. Zhang, “Dense multigraphon-valued stochastic processes and edge-changing dynamics in the configuration model”. To appear in Annals of Applied Probability.