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Workshop on finite groups, representations and neural networks
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Speaker(s): Lizhong Wang (Peking University )、Yanjun Liu (Jiangxi Normal University)、Xingzhong Xu (Hubei University)、Lei Wang (Yunnan University)、Conghui Li(Southwest Jiaotong University)、Huang Xiong (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Time: June 6 - 9 ,2022
Venue: Taizhou Hall (240A Lecture Hall)

Lizhong Wang :《On representation theory based on polynomials》

Yanjun Liu :《A generalization of Murai’s conjecture》

Yucong Du  :《On the inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for finite groups of Lie type D》

Conghui Li :《Restrictions of irreducible characters of finite groups of Lie type to derived subgroups and regular semisimple elements》

Pengcheng Li :《Categorical actions and Broue’s abelian defect group conjecture for finite classical groups》

Xingzhong Xu :《Some results on a question of M. Newman on isomorphic subgroups of solvable groups

Lei Wang :《On the cohomology of finite groups of Lie type and applications》

Huan Xiong :《On the Expressivity of Convolutional Neural Networks》