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Sharp-Interface Approaches for Simulating Solid-State Dewetting Problems
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Speaker(s): Wei Jiang(Wuhan University)
Time: Dec 13, 2021, 14:00-15:00
Venue: Tencent Video meeting ID: 243 635 938


Thin films are usually thermodynamically unstable in the as deposited state due to their surface to volume aspect ratio. Heating can lead to fragmentation of a thin film and the formation of islands, which is called as solid-state dewetting for temperatures below the melting point. The process is driven by the minimization of the total energy of the system. In this talk, I will talk about how to use sharp-interface models for simulating solid-state dewetting problems. Taking the 2D case for example, I will explain the main idea behind these approaches; some extensions to the 3D case will be also presented.